Order with code: KMXBEYOND for a free hair extension bag with purchase
by Kayley Melissa
As a hairstylist, YouTuber, and hair enthusiast, hair extensions have become a big part of my life! Whether it’s just adding in a couple wefts for some extra fullness or using full sets to recreate fantasy hairstyles, I’ve become pretty fluent in the art of the Hair Extension. Today, I want to talk through what I look for in extensions as I unbox a new set of Beyond Hair Extensions. Spoiler alert: I’m a fan!

First things first: you’ve got to figure out your color. Beyond offers a free swatch kit so you can get a feel for your best match. Once you get yours, be sure to fan each color out when you hold it up to your hair. That helps to evenly distribute the shades in the swatch and give a clear idea of how each color will look against your hair. Pick the closest match (don’t worry; it doesn’t have to be 100%), collection, and length, and order away!

The extensions arrive in their box. Mine are 16”, Beach Blonde, Select Collection and looking in the window I’m already excited! It looks like I want my hair to always look. There’s one big and one small window. The small window has one 1.5” weft from your set. You can open this one up and hold it against your head to check the color, texture, and quality. This is your chance to make sure everything is looking good. If it’s not the right match, you can send it back. But if it’s looking good, go ahead and open up your full set. You’ll find instructions on how to apply them included.

From here, your hair extension journey begins. It can be very different between companies, so let’s talk about my experience with Beyond.
My litmus test for extensions happens when I wash them for the first time. Any set you buy will have a lovely coating on it to make it feel soft and look shiny. Once you shampoo, condition, and allow them to air dry you get the best look at the quality of the hair. My first set of Beyond hair made my jaw drop. There was no loss of quality, softness, or performance.

An element I didn’t expect was that they also style better than most extensions. Poor quality extensions are essentially fried hair and that styles oddly. All three categories of hair from Beyond style just like my hair. In case you’re wondering, the different collections are made the same, but with different levels of hair quality. “Classic” is closest to the rest of the market, “Select” is one step up, and they’re not wrong, the “Couture” line is the BEST hair you can buy.
Clipping in and wearing hair extensions is an important part of testing them out. I’ve moved away from buying extensions with big chunky wefts because hiding those is an entire art in itself and it’s completely unnecessary. Beyond got thin wefts right and took it an extra step by picking super comfortable and secure clips.

And of course, you can’t forget that all sets come pre-layered. Pre-layered meaning each weft’s density and length have been considered to give you the most natural look. They’re also single drawn which helps give the ends a natural taper. Both of these mean you don’t have to take them into a stylist to have them cut or layered!
My experience with Beyond has been stellar. They took a look at the extension market and asked, “What can we improve?” Then they improved them. For me the things that stand out most are: their commitment to quality hair, their pre layering system, and their colors! Beyond Hair out performs in every area and I appreciate all the thought they put in!
Order with code: KMXBEYOND for a free hair extension bag with purchase!

IG: @kayleymelissa
YouTube: KayleyMelissa
*Note: Beyond Extensions cannot be returned after top portion of box is opened. Use the bottom window on the Beyond Extension box to view for color match. Weft cannot be removed from card.